Feeling nervous about your upcoming EXAMS ?

We’ve got you covered!

Subject Tutoring


Self Study Help

We have an awesome study lounge!

College Advising

Less Like A Cram School.

More Like A FAMILY.


The Study Co. aims to deliver an educational experience that is both functional and meaningful for students. Functional, in the sense it prepares students for college admissions. Meaningful, in the sense it helps students develop genuine aspirations, giving purpose to their education.

College is important, and as an extension, so are GPAs and test scores. But if we assume education’s sole purpose is college admission, teaching will inevitably degrade into a heartless exercise of cramming facts and formulas, and in turn students will struggle to be anything more than test scores and GPAs.

Education can be so much more than that. It should instill a sense of direction for students, inspire the discovery new passions, and enrich their lives. Education is more than just improving scores. Education is an experience.

Admission Team

Jae Min Cha- Founder & Teacher

Hyun Jin Hur - Director

Zoe Ahn - Assistant



Mr. Cha graduated from the University of Chicago in 2014 and has over 14 years of experience in teaching students for standardized tests and AP-level courses in school. He began his career in education working in Chicago Public schools as a Teaching Intern and in various tutoring centers as an after-school instructor. In 2013, he founded The Study Co. with the help of a few friends equally passionate about education. The goal was simple: create a supplementary educational model that was effective functionally and genuinely meaningful for students.

Kay Shelby-Senior Director

Mrs. Kay has over 17 years of experience in the private education sector. She’s been the director of 3 major learning centers where she has managed students’ schedules, enforced curriculums standards for instructors, kept up-to-date info on standardized tests, and worked with parents to identify personalized educational plans to meet student-specific, educational goals.

Chris Lee

Jacqueline Gore

Kristen Yeap

Brendan Ehle